Angelina Jolie has a two lines script tattoo written on her right forearm

Angelina Jolie has had at least 16 known tattoos:

arabic on her elbowdaon, name on her upper arm (covered-up, removed)coordinates on her upper arminitial on her wristcross, latin on her hipwriting on her upper backroman numeral on her forearmkhmer on her shoulder bladetiger on her lower backquote, writing on her elbowcoordinates on her upper armsak yant, thai on her shoulder bladesak yant, thai on her upper backsak yant, thai on her upper backswirl on her forearmwriting on her forearm

Jeff Steinberg, PacificCoastNews.com16 Comments

Angelina Jolie has a two lines script tattoo written on her right forearm.

Black Ink Forearm Script Writing

Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews.comLeave a Comment

Angelina Jolie has a Buddhist swirls tattoo on her left forearm, a symbol that Buddhists believe it brings good luck and protection from evil.

Black Ink Forearm Luck Protection Religion Swirl

Lumeimages / Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews.com2 Comments

Angelina Jolie has a Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada tattoo on her back.

This tattoo is an original Sak Yant created by Ajarn Noo Kanpai especially for Angelina and it was inked ob her back by the ex-monk using steel rods mounted with a surgical steel needle.

The complex design consists of two yants, the upper is a square box with magical text inside of it. Sak Yant Talisman square represents the four continents and the four elements of earth, water, wind, fire. Each box contains text but the order of which direction within the square make it impossible for anyone to really know it’s meaning except for Ajarn Noo.

For this special ink, Ajarn Noo Kanpai was flown from Bangkok to Siem Reap in Cambodia, where Angelina was filming. The three Sak yant tattoos she got that day were applied to her back while her ex Brad Pitt was given a Buddhist symbol on his stomach. Ajarn Noo drew designs on both stars using the same ink “to symbolically bind them as husband and wife”, but their marriage fell apart just months later and they separated in September 2016.

Ajarn Noo Kanpai Binding Black Ink Kindness Protection Sak Yant Thai Upper Back

Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews;2 Comments

Angelina Jolie got tattooed by a Thai ex-monk Ajarn Noo Kanpai in Cambodia, where she was filming in 2016. On her upper back she get the Yant Phutson or Yant of the five Gods symbol. This is a very popular and well know talisman for Thai people from the past to the present. It is the highest talisman (A Master Talisman) and multi-purpose. The Sak Yant represents having and acting with great mercy towards yourself and others; Amassing great fortune in both the physical and spiritual realms. Wearing this charm provides good luck and promotion in life.

As well as the other inks done by the ex-monk, this sak yant was applied using steel rods mounted with a surgical steel needle – a much more painful procedure.

Ajarn Noo Kanpai Black Ink Luck Sak Yant Thai Upper Back

Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews.com2 Comments

Angelina Jolie recently added an ancient Buddhist Yant tattoo down her right shoulder blade.The mystical ink was done by a former Thai monk Ajarn Noo Kanpai who flown from Bangkok to Siem Reap in Cambodia, where Angelina was filming. It was applied using steel rods mounted with a surgical steel needle – more accurate than a tattoo gun, but also much more painful.

Her tattoo, Yant Kraw Petch (Diamond Armour), highlights the powerful of virtues of Buddha. It helps you regarding luck, virtue, wealth, success in business. Anyone who receives this Yant is protected from bad times and failure in life.

Ajarn Noo Kanpai Black Ink Health Luck Prayer Sak Yant Shoulder Blade Thai Wealth

Angelina Jolie has the birthplace coordinates of all seven children inked on her left arm. As she’s added new lines to the list, she also added a swirl on the top right corner.

Children Coordinates Family Upper Arm

Featureflash / Shutterstock.comLeave a Comment

Inside Angelina Jolie’s left elbow are the words “A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages,” the subtitle of Tenessee Williams’ 1941 play Stairs to the Roof.

Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.comLeave a Comment

Angelina Jolie has a large tiger design on her lower back which she got on a trip to Thailand in 2004.

Featureflash / Shutterstock.comLeave a Comment

The tattoo on Angelina Jolie’ left shoulder blade honors her first son Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt who was born in 2001 andaopted by Angelina in 2002. Maddox was born in Cambodia and the tattoo is written in Khmer, Cambodia’s official language. It is a prayer that reads “May your enemies run far away from you/If you acquire riches may they remain yours always/Your beauty will be that of Apsara/Wherever you may go, may will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides.”

Children Family Khmer Prayer Shoulder Blade

cinemafestival / Shutterstock.comLeave a Comment

On the side of her left forearm, Angelina Jolie has a tattoo of the Roman Numeral “XIII V MCMXL,” which represents the numbers 13/5/1940. It is a tribute to Winston Churchill, for the “blood, toil, tears and sweat” speech which he gave on May 13, 1940.

She also has some swirling lines to connect it to a neighboring tattoo on her elbow.

Angelina Jolie

Just below the nape of her neck, Angelina Jolie has the words “Know Your Rights” inscribed on her upper back.

Politics Rights Upper Back Writing

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